We are Laundry in the Old Town s.r.o. and we run a laundry with a long tradition in the very center of Prague. Our customers are mainly citizens from the surrounding area as well as various companies, establishments and institutions from Prague. The laundry is equipped with high-quality and modern machines, which, in conjunction with top chemistry, will treat your laundry gently but perfectly. We are established to wash medical laundry and hotel linen. Every order requires an individual approach of our experienced staff, so your laundry is washed separately. For institutions, we distribute linen according to delivery days or according to the agreement. Our goal is satisfied customer on the long term basis.
The beginning of the laundry
Původním provozovatelem v té době Prádelny a Žehlírna prádla bylo státní družstvo Druchema
Kuss’s laundry
Původní Žehlírnu prádla v roce 1995 přebírá do soukromých rukou pan Kuss a přejmenovává ji na Kussova prádelna.
Laundry in the Old Town
In April 2014, our company took over the laundry service after Mr Kusse’s deserved retirement. The laundry has undergone a partial reconstruction and extension of the background for our work. At the same time we have furnished the laundry with new, high-quality, modern machines meeting the most demanding requirements of our customers for a friendly and quality laundry. We began to use biodegradable top detergents that are both gentle on the laundry and perfectly treat it.
The appearance of today’s laundry remains the same from the customer’s point of view. But it has undergone many changes inside, mainly in modern technical equipment meeting the most demanding requirements on laundry quality. Not only the quality but also the amount of technology, especially number of washing machines, went up. So that we could launder each customer’s clothes separately to achieve the maximal hygienic standard and the satisfaction of our customer.